
  • Wednesday, 23 December 2015

    Sitting of the State Commission on Migration Issues

    15th sitting of the Commission was held on 22 December 2015 attended by Commission member authorities as well as international and local non-governmental organizations having consultative status in the SCMI....

  • Tuesday, 22 December 2015

    Georgian Migration Profile 2015 Adopted

    During the past year, the respective Working Group of the SCMI has been intensively working on the Migration Profile 2015, which should have been developed according to the commitments undertaken...

  • Friday, 18 December 2015

    International Migrants Day

    In 2000, the UN General Assembly declared 18 December as an International Migrants Day. Since then, this date has been marked in many countries around the world that underlines importance...

  • Friday, 18 December 2015

    Meeting with Donor Organizations on Migration Strategy Action Plan

    On 14 December 2015, the Migration Strategy of Georgia for 2016-2020 was adopted by the governmental Decree #622. The Strategy has already been published on the official website of the...

  • Wednesday, 16 December 2015

    Migration Strategy Was Discussed on Public at Tbilisi State University

    On 14 December 2015, the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues together with the Commission’s member agencies, ICMPD, Tbilisi State University School of Law and EU Delegation held...

  • Wednesday, 09 December 2015

    Lectures and seminars on migration and economy

    The important questions related to the interlinkages between migration and economics will be discussed during the Winter Migration Studies Week organised by the EU-funded ENIGMMA (“Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management”) project...

  • Tuesday, 08 December 2015

    Information meeting with judges on personal data protection and migration related issues

    A specialized working meeting on personal data protection and migration management was held at the hotel “Kachreti Ambassadori” (Kakheti region) through the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) coordinated...

  • Wednesday, 02 December 2015

    Batumi Public Service Hall Hosted the Training on ID Document Fraud Detection

    On 2 December 2015, training on ID document fraud detection was held at the Batumi Public Service Hall for the personnel of territorial offices of the Public Service Development Agency,...

  • Tuesday, 01 December 2015

    Sitting of the State Commission on Migration Issues

    On 30 November 2015, the State Commission on Migration Issues had its 14th sitting, gathering all member state agencies of the SCMI as well as non-governmental and international organisations having...

  • Friday, 27 November 2015

    Migration and Asylum Panel Meeting in Tbilisi

    On 26-27 November 2015, EU’s Eastern Partnership First Platform Panel on Migration and Asylum organized a meeting in Tbilisi. The main discussion issue was regulations and practice with regard to...