
  • Monday, 27 June 2016

    Training for ID and Document Fraud for Justice Ministry Personnel

    Training in ID and document fraud was conducted on 20-24 June 2016 for the services of the Public Service Development Agency, Public Service Halls and Community Centres of the Justice...

  • Friday, 24 June 2016

    Round Table on Emigration Indicators

    On June, 23, 2016 Tbilisi hosted a Round Table devoted to the discussion of existing and development of new emigration indicators and improvement of overall emigration statistics in the country....

  • Wednesday, 22 June 2016

    Migration Policy Research Grants Available

    The EU-funded ENIGMMA („Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management“) project issued a Call for Research Papers on Migration Research for individual researchers or groups of researchers (PhD students, academics, post-doc researchers, etc.)...

  • Tuesday, 24 May 2016

    Meeting on Information Campaign in Georgia for Prevention of Irregular Migration

    On 23 May 2016, Tbilisi Public Hall hosted a meeting dedicated to the informational campaign planned to be launched on illegal migration. The meeting was organized by the International Organization...

  • Wednesday, 11 May 2016

    Informational Meeting on Migration Issues

    On 5 May 2016 Batumi Public Service Hall hosted an information meeting focused on the issues related to migration management and visa liberalisation with EU. Members of local self-governing bodies...

  • Saturday, 07 May 2016

    Call for Applications on Researcher at the Pilot Analytical Unit

    ICMPD is looking for qualified candidates for the following position: Researcher at the Pilot Analytical Unit at the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues. The position serves in...

  • Tuesday, 03 May 2016

    Information on Visa Free Travel to the EU

    The leaflet contains all related information including the list of visa-free countries, length and purpose of stay, and the list of required documents. The information campaign aims at timely informing...

  • Thursday, 28 April 2016

    Training on Migration Strategy Evaluation Issues

    From 27 to 28 April 2016 representatives of leading Georgian state institutions dealing with migration-related issues gathered in Kachreti to participate in the trainings on 2016-2020 Migration Strategy Evaluation issues...

  • Wednesday, 27 April 2016

    Final Conference of the Circular Migration Project

    On April 26, 2016 the Final Conference & Media Event of the project „Strengthening the Development Potential of the EU Mobility Partnership in Georgia through Targeted Circular Migration and Diaspora...

  • Wednesday, 06 April 2016

    Information Meeting Held with European Journalists at the Mejvriskhevi Community Center

    An information meeting was held on 6th of April at the Mejvriskhevi Community Center of Gori municipality, where the journalists from EU member states visiting Georgia were familiarized with regulations...