Working Groups

The aim

To further activate the Commission's work in different directions, inside the SCMI thematic groups have been set up, where along with the Commission’s member agencies are represented consultative status holder organisations and invited experts.

Working Group on Statelessness

The Working Group on Statelessness was set up on 25 February 2011. Its activities are primarily directed at elaborating legislative mechanisms and providing recommendations to the State Commission on Migration Issues with a view to reducing statelessness in Georgia. The Group is coordinated by the Public Service Development Agency under the Ministry of Justice.

Migration Laboratory

With Georgia's increased participation in international processes related to migration and setting up the State Commission on Migration Issues, a demand for the Migration Strategy came to the forefront. For this purpose, a Working Group on Migration Strategy was established in May 2011 coordinated by the Public Service Development Agency under the Ministry of Justice.

The Working Group, jointly with partner organizations, developed the 2013-2015 and 2016-2020 Migration Strategies of Georgia. In 2020 WG produced a brand new Migration Strategy for 2021-2030 based on the new methodology of the GoG’s Policy Planning System, established within the EU backed PAR reform. The working group is also producing annual Action Plans for the implementation of Migration Strategies.

In February 2019, the Working Group on Migration Strategy was transformed into Migration Laboratory given its extended scope of activities for the last years. Within the frame of the Migration Laboratory, along with developing migration strategy and its action plans, other analytical activities take place such as elaborating European Migration Network’s Annual Reports on Migration and Asylum (which substituted Medium and Brief Migration Profiles), coordination of activities in the field of Migration and Development and producing various analytical reports.

Working Group on Unified Migration Data Analytical System

State Commission on Migration Issues established a working group responsible for the development of the Unified Migration Data Analytical System (UMAS) on February 7, 2014. In the years to follow, composition and priority areas of the Working Group varied depending on the development needs of the System. In the latest reshuffle, which took place in spring 2018, after UMAS started to operate in a test mode, analysts of the UMAS user state agencies were invited to the reorganized Working Group.

The renewed Working Group is responsible for coordinating analytical output of the System and contribute to the improvement of data quality and data management in the migration field. Analysts from 9 state agencies are represented in the UMAS Working Group, while the coordinating function is resumed by the Public Service Development Agency.

On February 11, 2019 SCMI defined the name of the Group as the Working Group on Unified Migration Data Analytical System.

Working Group on Migration Risk Analysis

Given the socio-economic and political processes in the region, development and further improvement of the Migration Risk Analysis System is one of the priorities of Georgian state.

A Working Group on Migration Risk Analysis was created in September 2015, aimed at creating a sound system for conducting a comprehensive analysis of migration related risks in the country. The Group is coordinated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.

Working Group on Integration Issues

In result of merging the Working Group on Aliens’ Integration (2016) and the Working Group for Consolidation of Reintegration Activities (2011), the Working Group on Integration Issues was established in December 2017 on the basis of the SCMI decision. The main directions of the merged group are: facilitating the reintegration process of returned migrants and coordination of the state programme on reintegration; developing the policy of aliens’ integration, studying the needs identified for institutionalization of the field and recommendations and legislative proposals.

The Working Group is coordinated by the Ministry of IDPs from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs.