The present document is prepared by the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues and represents information on ongoing and/or complited projects in the field of migration.

The first column of the Project Matrix contains main table, which through thematic directions provides information on project (title, short description, name of implementing organization (by clicking on this cell you will automatically be addressed to the implementing organization’s web-page, where much comprehensive information about the project could be found), partners involved in implementation process and duration).

The second column (Pie) represents a graphic quantity indicator of shares thematically distributed among different organizations and fields.

The third column (Archive) includes all completed projects after each updating phase of the Matrix.

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Strengthening the development potential of the EU Mobility Partnership in Georgia through targeted circular migration and Diaspora mobilization.

The main activities of the project include migration policy advice component, testing a pilot circular migration scheme between Germany and Georgia, mobilization of Georgian diaspora through different conferences, support to business ideas etc. It is planned as well to gather lessons learned and present them in a manual which would serve for replication for other programs and initiatives within the EU Mobility Partnership.

For additional information, please see:

Guidebook on legal immigration