EMN Georgia

Based on the Working Arrangement establishing administrative cooperation between the European Commission (EC) and the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI), In 2021 Georgia joined the European Migration Network (EMN) as observer and SCMI Secretariat designated as the National Contact Point (NCP) in the EMN. The working arrangement represents an important step towards reinforced cooperation in the areas of migration and asylum between the EC and Georgia.

Since joining EMN as an observer country Georgia is actively involved in producing different EMN outputs and organizes variouis thematic events. 

Outputs with EMN Georgia

Annual Reports on Migration and Asylum

Country Factsheets








Asylum and Migration Glossary

The European Migration Network’s Asylum and Migration Glossary is one of the important outputs of the Network, being a multidisciplinary product aimed at introducing a common terminology in the field of asylum and migration by promoting comparability of the terms and concepts and encouraging their unified application. The Glossary is intended for decision-makers in the field of migration, academia and media as well as broad readership interested in the migration related topics.

The Glossary was translated in Georgian language under the coordination of the Secretariat for the State Commission on Migration Issues through the EU funded project and published on Commission’s web-page in 2023.

Glossary Video

EMN Georgia Events

EMN Georgia periodically organizes International conferences on various thematic directions in partnership with the EMN meber states.

2021 - EMN Georgia's National Conference

2022 - EMN Georgia and EMN Estonia joint Conference

2023 - EMN Georgia and EMN Latvia Joint Conference

2024 - EMN Georgia and EMN Cyprus Joint Conference