23rd Migration Project Coordination Meeting Was Held

The SCMI Secretariat held the 23rd Project Coordination Meeting (PMC), where the ongoing projects and the prospects for future cooperation were discussed together with stakeholders.

The meeting aimed at familiarizing with current activities conducted by international and non-governmental organizations as well as by the SCMI Member Agencies that ensure preventing possible thematic overlaps and facilitating inter-agency cooperation. Participants of the meeting discussed the planned and completed projects in the field of migration.

The PMC was organized by the Public Service Development Agency – the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues under the EU funded project, which gathered the Member Agencies of the SCMI, international and local non-governmental organizations having consultative status in the Commission as well as the representatives of partner countries and other stakeholders.

The State Commission on Migration Issues is a governmental advisory body to discuss and decide upon different important issues related to migration management. Chaired by the Ministry of Justice, the SCMI is composed by nine state agencies.