Georgia hosts Prague Process Seminar on Digitalisation in Migration Management

International seminar dedicated to the the issues of using modern technologies and digital tools in migration management held on 24-26 October, 2023 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

First Deputy Minister of Justice, Tamar Tkeshelashvili, opened the Prague Process seminar - “Potential of Digitalization in the Context of Migration" and spoke about modern approaches in the field of migration management, digitalization and the importance of continuous cooperation and sharing of successful international practices between the Prague Process member states.

The participants of the event were also addressed by the representatives of the European Union, the Prague Process Secretariat and the Czech Republic.

The seminar in Tbilisi was organized by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia and the chairing agency of the Prague Process - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, with the coordination of the Secretariat of the Prague Process - the International Center for Migration Policy Development, with the support of the European Union. International Seminar attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Justice and other line ministries, members of the State Commission on Migration Issues, as well as by Prague Process countries and representatives of International Organisations

The Prague Process was established in 2009. It is a targeted migration dialogue and policy process that promotes cooperation in the field of migration between participating countries. In 2022, the Ministerial Declaration and 2023-2027 action plan was approved at the 4th ministerial conference of the Prague Process, the implementation of which is supported by the European Commission.