Georgia took part in the Council of Europe and EMN Luxemburg event dedicated to the statelessness

In April 2023, the European Migration Network (EMN) published on its website an Inform on Statelessness, featuring Georgia for the first time, along with EU Member States and Norway. Georgia is considered among the countries with successful practice in the reduction of statelessness.

On this occasion and in the framework of the EMN’s Platform on Statelessness, a hybrid event was held on 22 June 2023 in Luxemburg, where Georgia was invited to take part. Ms. Ketevan Betlemidze, a Chairperson of the Public Service Development Agency (a host of EMN GE NCP) highlighted the progress achieved by Georgia in the field of statelessness informing participants on Georgian model of documenting stateless persons and a “Door-to-Door” campaign implemented in cooperation with the UNHCR’s country office, resulting in reducing the number of stateless persons in Georgia.

The ways to prevent statelessness and corresponding challenges were discussed at the meeting and a knowledge and specific experiences regarding different national models of facilitating stateless persons in acquiring citizenship and naturalization were shared.

Main findings of the EMN Inform on Statelessness in the European Union, Norway and Georgia were also presented at the meeting jointly organized by Council of Europe and EMN’s National Contact Point in Luxemburg.

The European Migration Network (EMN) is an EU network of migration and asylum experts who work together to provide objective, comparable policy-relevant information and knowledge on emerging issues relating to asylum and migration in Europe. Georgia joined the Network in 2021 and is actively involved in its analytical work.