Coordination Meeting on Migration Projects

11th coordination meeting of the projects running in the field of migration was held on 16 March 2018 organized by the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) and attended by up to 40 representatives of the SCMI Member Agencies and partner international/non-governmental organizations.

The representatives of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Person from Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees presented the information about the projects running in the field of asylum, and informed participants of the meeting on the ongoing status of the programmes focused on integration of international protection holders and reintegration of returned migrants. The representative of the Ministry of Foreign affairs discussed the main directions of the recently approved State Programme for Diaspora, and emphasized activities planned to be implemented in 2018. The same state agency presented the information on the activities planned in the framework of a so-called 3rd wave of information campaign on visa free travel, regarding which the organizations attending the meeting were offered to execute a coordination action. The Mobility Partnership Facility (II phase) had also been discussed at the meeting - managed by the ICMPD, considered to be the principal implementation mechanism of the Mobility Partnership Initiative, and implying to support different projects initiated at national level in cooperation with EU Member State institutions. The representatives of the IOM and the partner NGO CiDA talked about informed migration and the public awareness focused activities implemented in the framework of their projects. The GIZ and Caritas Georgia representatives presented their recent initiatives aimed at facilitating migrants’ return and sustainable reintegration upon return.

Project Coordination Meetings are held twice a year aimed at minimizing thematic overlaps / duplications between the projects running in the field of migration, and deepening cooperation between all interested actors. Based on the information provided by participants the SCMI Secretariat updates the online project matrix.