Migration Profile of Georgia 2017 and the Migration Strategy Action Plan for 2018 Approved

Over the past few months, an intensive work had been going on within the framework of the SCMI Working Group of Migration Strategy focused on elaboration of Migration Profile 2017 and the Migration Strategy (2016-2020) Action Plan for 2018. Elaboration and adoption of both documents is one of the long-term benchmarks defined by the Visa Liberalization Action Plan, and the obligation of EU-Georgia Association Agenda (2017-2020).

The Migration Profile 2017 is the second information and analytical document elaborated within the framework of the SCMI according to the new, a so-called medium migration profile format. In its predecessor - Migration Profile 2015, it was analyzed the migration related statistical data of years 2010-2014; while the current document as a logical sequence of the previous Profile presents the data of years 2015-2016 analyzing the latter through different (demographic, economic and social) dimensions and based on this analysis, reveals the basic tendencies and changes in various migration stocks and flows.

According to the decision made on the 18th sitting of the SCMI, the Working Group of Migration Strategy developed a 1-year plan, taking into consideration the long-term benchmarks of VLAP, and, built on the latter, the relevant components of the new EU assistance programme being closely linked to the priority directions of the Migration strategy of Georgia. For the purpose of mobilizing required resources and their allocation by specific needs, a series of consultations was held with partner/donor organizations at the last stage of elaboration of the Action Plan, and the relevant feedback reflected.

The Migration Profile of Georgia 2017 and the Migration Strategy Action Plan for 2018 were approved on 19th sitting of the SCMI on 4 December 2017.

Currently, the Migration Profile 2017 and Migration Strategy Action Plan for 2018 are being translated into English; the translated versions of both documents will be published on the SCMI webpage by February 2018.