Seminar on UK Migration Management System

On 5-7 December 2017, the SCMI Secretariat co-organized and hosted together with IOM Georgia Mission, a seminar for SCMI MAs, where the UK migration management system, aliens’ integration framework as well as the data linkage and data quality for migration analysis were discussed. The seminar was led by the British expert representing the Migration and Border Analysis Service of the UK Home Office.

On the first day, the expert discussed the institutional framework and strategic vision of the UK regarding alien integration, and discussed specifics of integration indicators developed by his Service and respective data sources. On the second day, the expert discussed the institutional framework of migration management in the UK and talked in more detail about the organization and scheduling of analytical and research activity. On the third day, the participants of the seminar learned about the practice of data integration and quality standards at the Home Office.

The seminar was held within the framework of the EU-funded project “Sustaining Border Management and Migration Governance in Georgia” (SBMMG). Representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories, Refugees and Accommodation, National Statistics Office, Public Service Development Agency, and the analysts of the Unified Migration Analytical System benefited from participation in the seminar.