Roundtable on Immigrants’ Economic Integration Indicators

On 8 November 2017, a roundtable was held aimed at commencing debate on immigrants’ economic integration in Georgia, by reflecting on specific indicators and the ways and sources of their measurement. The meeting that was initiated and led by the SCMI Secretariat, gathered SCMI Member Agencies and other state and non-governmental organizations dealing with (immigrants) statistics, labour and employment, issuing residents permits and granting different statuses to aliens, registering their property and business, recognizing education and skills gained abroad, etc. Participants of the meeting familiarized with statistics on immigrants residing in Georgia based on the last census as well as the international practices of aliens’ integration, and the findings of the survey on social-economic state of refugees, humanitarian status holders and asylum seekers in Georgia. The work was held in the small working group format, where the participants discussed the needs and resources available in Georgia for effective economic integration of immigrants, and come up with projected indicators.

Along with other components of the wider frame of migration and development, the aliens’ integration is one of the strategic directions defined by the Migration Strategy of Georgia for 2016-2020.