Training on labour migration for policy makers

On 17-19 October 2017, Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues / Public Service Development Agency hosted the training on labour migration for policy makers and practitioners, held by the International Organization for Migration through the technical assistance of SCMI Secretariat. The training was attended by the representatives of the SCMI Member Agencies including the Social Service Agency under the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs; the Parliamentary committees for Health and Social Issues, and Diaspora; Public Defender’s Office, and private recruitment agencies.

During the training, the participants discussed (and benefited from practical exercises on) the value and impact of well-managed labour mobility, the Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) and their Georgian analogue, as well as the ways to analyze the data generated by the System for making informed policy decisions. Along with the issues of productive use of remittances and diaspora engagement, the communication strategies were discussed for effective reach-out to prospective migrants, and ideally, tracking them during the whole cycle of labour migration. Finally, along with risks and gaps associated with the process of the job placement abroad, the ethnical recruitment standards were discussed by bringing the example of IOM-initiated IRIS system of responsible international recruitment.

This is the 3rd targeted training on labour migration unfolded parallel to the progressing the IOM-led project on piloting temporary labour migration schemes for Georgian migrant workers to Poland and Estonia, and aimed at capacity-building of the various involved state agents responsible for developing broader sectoral policy framework.