Coordination Meeting on Migration Projects

10th coordination meeting of the projects running in the field of migration was held on 6 October 2017, organized by the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI). At the meeting, the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) presented the major components of the two new projects financed in the framework of the EU’s Technical Cooperation Facility II.

Both projects will be implemented in 2017-2020 and aim at facilitating sustainability of migration and border management systems in Georgia envisaged by the EU-Georgia Association Agenda and the long-term objectives of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan.

Both projects were planned and will be implemented in joint cooperation with the SCMI MAs that will ensure implementation of the objectives set by the Migration Strategy 2016-2020 effectively.

Project Coordination Meetings are held twice a year, gathering all interested actors and contributing to the concerted action in the field of migration, minimizing at the same time thematic overlaps and duplications. Based on the information provided by participants, the Secretariat updates the online project matrix.