Coordination Meeting on Migration Projects

9th coordination meeting of the projects running in the field of migration was held at Tbilisi Marriott Hotel on 20 June 2017, organized by the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI). The meeting gathered member agencies of the SCMI, and international and local non-governmental organizations working in the field of migration. The event was held in the new format enabling presenters to brief the audience on ongoing activities along with the new initiatives planned, including those envisaged by the projects within the EU future assistance to help Georgia comply with long-term benchmarks of the VLAP in the field of migration management.

Project Coordination Meetings are held twice a year organized by SCMI Secretariat in order to ensure concerted action in the field of migration and minimize the thematic overlaps and duplications. Based on the information provided by participants, the Secretariat updates the online project matrix.