Study Visit to Bulgaria on Migration Risk Analysis

From 17 to 19 October, 2016, within the framework of the ENIGMMA Project, a study visit to Sofia, Bulgaria took place. The study visit was organised by ICMPD for the representatives of working group for migration risk analysis, with additional support from the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior and the Embassy of Georgia to the Republic of Bulgaria. A working group on Migration Risk Analysis is based within the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) of Georgia, coordinated by the Ministry of Interior and is composed of representatives from the Ministry of Justice (Public Service Development Agency), State Security Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees, and State Security and Crisis Management Council. The aim of the study visit was to gather international experience in order to elaborate a comprehensive and complex/unified interagency methodology for migration risk analysis covering all directions of migration policy.

The mission started with visiting the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior and its respective institutions: General Directorate of Border Police, Secretary of the National Council for Migration and Integration, Analysis and Policies Directorate, EU and International Cooperation Directorate, the State Agency for Refugees and Migration; furthermore, the delegates attended additional meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Employment Agency within the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. Some of the specific topics covered during the meetings included, among others, risk analysis methodology in different institutions, the catalogue of analytical products and monitoring the implementation of the recommendations.