MME - The Africa-EU Partnership on Migration, Mobility & Employment

African and European leaders adopted a Joint Africa-EU Strategy at the "Second EU-Africa Summit" held in Lisbon in December 2007. The eight partnerships defined in the Strategy's first action plan include the 'Migration, Mobility & Employment' (MME) Partnership. This partnership reflects a common understanding and commitment to provide comprehensive responses to these issues with the particular objectives of creating better jobs in Africa and better managing migration flows.

A second action plan was adopted at the Third Africa-EU Summit that took place in Tripoli in November 2010. This new action plan identifies the areas of cooperation for the years 2011–2013 and emphasises higher education as an integrated part of this partnership. It has two main strands: 1) enhancing dialogue and 2) identifying and implementing concrete actions.

In this framework, the European Commission (EC) and the African Union Commission (AUC) launched an initiative to support the Migration, Mobility & Employment Partnership (‘MME Partnership’). This initiative provides support by providing an openframework for consultations on a flexible thematic and geographic basis, by strengthening the leadership of the key stakeholders and by facilitating the exchange of information and good practices.

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