Rabat Process

In July 2006, European and African ministers in charge of migration and development issues gathered in Rabat. They decided to work together on offering a concrete and appropriate response to these fundamental issues, based on the strong conviction that well-managed migration represents an opportunity for individuals and states in Africa and in Europe. Moreover, this should be anchored in the principles of combating poverty, promoting sustainable development and co-development, and respecting the rights and dignity of migrants and refugees. The Rabat Process was born, launching a balanced, pragmatic and operational mechanism of cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination of migrants coming from West and Central Africa.

In the framework of this Euro-African dialogue, more than 60 countries and organisations gather regularly to discuss questions of migration and development at technical and senior official levels, while Euro-African ministerial conferences define the strategic objectives.

For additional information, please see web-page: http://www.processusderabat.net/web/newsletters/17/en/rabat_201406_en.php