Euro Mediterranean Migration IV (EUROMED Migration IV)

The objective of EUROMED Migration IV (2016-2019), a project financed by the European Union and implemented by ICMPD, is to support EU Member States and ENI Southern Partner Countries in establishing a comprehensive, constructive and operational dialogue and co-operation framework, with a particular focus on reinforcing instruments and capacities to develop and implement evidence-based and coherent migration and international protection policies.

In order to achieve this objective, EUROMED Migration IV builds upon the results of the first three phases of the project (2004-2015) and tailors its activities around two pillars: the first pillar facilitates effective North-South and South-South regional dialogues and co-operation in the four main fields of migration and international protection-related matters (legal protection, irregular migration, migration and development and international protection). The second pillar focuses on capacity-building by applying a new outcome-oriented approach that includes sub-regional activities, tailor-made national training programmes and a targeted technical assistance package for small-scale concrete actions for committed partners. Both pillars are supported by a horizontal and cross-cutting thread aimed at accumulating evidence-based knowledge and establishing effective communication in order to contribute to a more balanced narrative on migration.

The EUROMED Migration IV project takes an inclusive approach and civil society representatives (private sector, trade unions, universities, local NGOs, media, migrants’ associations and all other relevant civil society actors) will be involved during all phases of the action.

For additional information, please see web-page: