Registration for First Migration Studies Weekend Started

ICMPD invites students and other interested persons to the ENIGMMA Migration Studies Weekend event organised by the EU-funded ENIGMMA project in close cooperation with the Tbilisi State University and the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI).

The Migration Studies Weekend is taking place on 23-25 September 2016 at Hotel “Gino Wellness Mtskheta” (board and lodge will be provided free of charge) and will include lectures and workshops on “Introduction to Migration Studies”.

The lectures and seminars will be given in English language. Thus, a proficient knowledge of English is required. This is a free event, thus no participation fee is required. Travel from Tbilisi to Mtskheta and back will be organised by the project.

Please register by 16 September 2016 by sending an email to indicating your name and studies programme (for civil servants – place of work and position).

For agenda of the event please click here

We hope to see you soon at the ENIGMMA Migration Studies Weekend