Migration Studies Weekend Lectures

The EU-funded ENIGMMA project, in close cooperation with the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) and the Tbilisi State University (TSU), and in accordance with the MoU between the SCMI and the TSU signed in 2013, has been organising lectures and seminars on various migration-related topics within the ENIGMMA project’s Migration Studies Weeks. During the academic year 2015/2016, three Migration Studies Weeks have been organised (October and December 2015 and April 2016). The Migration Studies Weeks covered issues related to migration and development, migration research methods, migration and economics, and human rights of migrants.

In the fall semester of 2016, the ENIGMMA project is organising migration lectures in a new format: Migration Studies Weekend Events. During these events, two full days will be dedicated to migration lectures and seminars; during the introductory evening session participants will get to know each other, will be introduced to the specific topic of the event, as well as will share their expectations.

The topics of the Migration Studies Weekends events are the following:

• September: Introduction to Migration Studies
• October: Migration and Development
• November: Migration and Economics
• December: Integration and Citizenship
• February: Asylum, Refugees and Displaced Persons
• March: Migration and Human Rights
• April: Trafficking in Human Beings

The registration for the “Introduction to Migration Studies” will be opened at the beginning of September.

Please click here for more information