Meeting with the Representative of IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre

On 22 July 2016, a working meeting was held with Mrs. Ann Singleton, the representative of the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, initiated by the SCMI Secretariat and assisted by the IOM Georgia Mission. The main goal of the meeting was outlining the spheres of future cooperation between the State Commission on Migration Issues and the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre. The Secretariat presented the information on the work of the State Commission as well as the documents developed within the framework of the SCMI and elaborated further on the purpose of the Unified Migration Analytical System. In exchange, the representative of the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre shared with the Secretariat the information on the basic directions of the Centre’s work and talked about the ongoing projects.

In the light of the future cooperation, the need of further capacity building of the SCMI member state agencies and the Secretariat was identified with regard to the migration related data collection, processing and analysis.