Study visit on statelessness for Azerbaijani and Montenegro delegations

On June 29-30, 2016, representatives of the respective departments of the Public Service Development Agency hosted the delegations from Azerbaijan and Montenegro invited to Georgia by UNHCR. The delegations consisted of the personnel of Aliens, Migration and Readmission Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro, State Service of Migration of Azerbaijan and the representatives of UNHCR’s Azerbaijani and Montenegro offices.

The members of the delegation, who met with the deputy justice minister Mr. Gocha Lordkipanidze, representatives of the PSDA Citizenship and Migration Service and the SCMI Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues, were informed on Georgian practice with respect to the procedure of establishing the status of stateless person, legal mechanisms of prevention and reduction of statelessness as well as functions and achievements of the SCMI.