Spring Migration Studies Week

enigmma study week

The ENIGMMA project, in close cooperation with the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) is organising a cycle of lectures and seminars at the Tbilisi State University (TSU) on migration-related topics within the ENIGMMA Spring Migration Studies Week on Human Rights from 12 to 14 April 2016 at the TSU. Interested students, representatives of state institutions (members of the SCMI) and of civil society organisations are invited to participate in the event.

The ENIGMMA Spring Migration Studies Week will incorporate (1) three lectures and (2) three seminars on the links between migration and international human rights law, international refugee law, the international protection framework and other human rights related issues.

The lectures and seminars will be delivered in English language. Thus, a proficient knowledge of English is required. The students are encouraged to register for the lecture and the seminars in advance.

For more information and time-table please click here.