International Migrants Day

 In 2000, the UN General Assembly declared 18 December as an International Migrants Day. Since then, this date has been marked in many countries around the world that underlines importance of the migration phenomena in today’s globalized world. It’s notable that under the general term ‘migration’ there are individual stories of concrete persons, sometimes sad, even tragic, full of challenges, but surely, also marked with achievements. Last months’ events happening in the world and particularly, in Europe confirmed once more significance of the topic and necessitated elaboration of new mechanisms of management of relevant processes.

Effective management of migration is considered to be one of the important factors of country’s social and economic development. At the same time, regulation is associated with serious challenges that can be overcome only by strong international cooperation. Georgia is an integral part of this process and Georgian state authorities take active part in respective action.

The State Commission on Migration Issues joins its voice to celebrate the International Migrant’s Day and continues work to further contribute to improving migration management and utilizing migration potential for country’s further development.

All above-said gains particular importance at the final stage of implementation of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan, which Georgia is successfully fulfilling and which will bring positive outcomes to each citizen of our country.