Information meeting with judges on personal data protection and migration related issues

A specialized working meeting on personal data protection and migration management was held at the hotel “Kachreti Ambassadori” (Kakheti region) through the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) coordinated and EU funded “ENIGMMA” project and in partnership with the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Supreme Court, court of appeal, first instance court, as well as court representatives responsible for public relations.

The legislative mechanisms in the field of personal data protection, existing challenges, planned legislative amendments, daily work of the personal data protection officer and applied practice in complains against the decisions of PDP inspector, were discussed during the meeting.

The final part of the event was dedicated to migration related issues. The Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues provided court authorities and PDP inspector’s office with detailed information on legal and institutional framework of migration management, highlighted main themes and directions of a new 2016-2020 Migration Strategy and held discussion on EU-Georgia visa-liberalization process.