Batumi Public Service Hall Hosted the Training on ID Document Fraud Detection

On 2 December 2015, training on ID document fraud detection was held at the Batumi Public Service Hall for the personnel of territorial offices of the Public Service Development Agency, Public Service Halls and Community Centres, co-organized by the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues and the International Organization for Migration.

The training was a part of the continuing efforts of the PSDA directed at capacity-building of the state services in recognizing fraud when processing ID and international travel documents. The training was led by Ian Fotheringham, an Istanbul-based international document expert representing the UK embassy in Turkey. The training was conducted in the framework of a week-long training organized by International Organization for Migration designed primarily for border police and forensic expertise bureau officials with the geographic accent on the Georgian-Turkish border’s adjacent areas of Western Georgia.

Recognizing the challenge of identity management, the group underlined the importance of paying great attention to foreign identity and supporting documents when registering aliens in Georgia. This acquires greater importance in the context of Georgia’s integration with EU and country’s increasing attractiveness for foreigners.

The training was held in the framework of the EU-funded More for More project.