Regional Conference: Sharing experience on labor migration with Armenia and Moldova took place in Georgia

On 20-21 October, 2015 a two-day regional conference was devoted to the exchange among Georgian, Armenian and Moldovan public, private, international and non-governmental stakeholders on plans and experiences with regard to circular labour migration management and reintegration support. The conference took place in the frame of the project “Strengthening the Development Potential of the EU Mobility Partnership in Georgia through Targeted Circular Migration and Diaspora Mobilization” funded by EU and co-funded by BMZ. Developing and implementing a pilot circular migration scheme between Germany and Georgia is one of the core objectives of the project. Preliminary results with regard to the approach and support provided throughout the major phases of the migration cycle were discussed from the perspective of policy makers, civil servants, participating migrants as well as from the perspective of German and Georgian employers. Apart of Armenian and Moldovan experiences complementing the Georgian approach and experiences of a labour migration scheme, the conference also served as successful platform for networking among the stakeholders of the participating countries.

The EU project is implemented by the partners: Center for International Migration (CIM), Public Service Development Agency (PSDA) / Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues and Georgian Small and Medium Enterprises Association (GSMEA).