Session of the SCMI Working Group for Consolidation of Reintegration Activities

The Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons form Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia organized the 11th extended meeting of the Working Group for Consolidation of Reintegration Activities of the State Commission on Migration Issues. The meeting was headed by the Deputy Minister Grigol Giorgadze.

The reintegration programme for returnees was discussed at the meeting, which the Ministry initiated in 2015, envisaging, for the first time, allocating state funds in amount of GEL400.000 for the reintegration programme. This sum was directed for providing reintegration services to migrants and was granted to the non-governmental organizations – winners of the grant competition.

The programme beneficiaries presented 3-month reports on implemented activities; the IOM’s Mobility Center functioning at the Ministry has also shared with participants the latest results and experience of working with returned migrants.

The meeting was attended by EU Delegation in Georgia, International organization for Migration as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations participating in the activities of the Working Group for Consolidation of Reintegration activities.

The meeting was co-organized by the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration issues.