Coordination Meeting on Migration Projects

The 5th coordination meeting of the migration-related projects will be held at the Tbilisi Radisson Blue Iveria hotel on 24 July 2015. The Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues is convening these special coordination meetings twice a year to discuss already finished and planned projects in the field of migration in Georgia.

These meetings serve a goof platform for international and non-governmental organizations involved in the EU- and/or other donor-funded projects as well as the state authorities – members of the Commission to get detailed information on the innovations in the field of migration and make business contacts with partner agencies, thus minimizing the risk of duplications and thematic overlaps. This in turn ensures that the result-oriented actions are mutually agreed and efficiently coordinated.

Participants of the meeting will summarize already finished projects and present new initiatives; they will also be given the room to shape joint positions about the new and planned projects. Based on the results of the coordination meeting, the Secretariat will update the project matrix published on the website of the State Commission on Migration Issues.