Government approved the rules on setting up of a Unified Migration Analytical System

SCMI eng

On 16 July, 2015 at its sitting, the governmental has approved the rule on setting up and administration of a Unified Migration Analytical System. The aim of the ordinance is to create a unified migration data base and analytical system, which is necessary for the proper management of migratory processes. The document defines responsible agencies for data submission and its analysis. According to the ordinance the Public Services Development Agency - a Legal Entity of Public Law under the Ministry of Justice is responsible to set and administer UMAS. The system will be able to collect migration-related data kept in databases of various administrative bodies, and conduct corresponding analysis for improving and proper planning of migration management and policy.

Taking into account Georgia’s geopolitical location and requirements of Visa Liberalization Action Plan the management of migration processes is one of the key state priorities. Georgia already has its migration strategy approved by the government on 15 March, 2013.

Efficient implementation of migration related policy is possible while possessing well-organized system for information analysis. Accordingly, the data collection on migrant’s statuses is indeed important for policy planning and adopting respective decisions.