
Reintegration means return to the country of origin and re-engagement into the social and economic life.

Supporting Reintegration of the Returned Georgian Migrants Programme

Supporting reintegration of returned Georgian migrants is among the key priorities of Georgian government. Since 2015, the state has been financing several programmes and projects to assist reintegration of migrants who returned.

Since 2020, the Internally Displaced Persons, Ecomigrants and Livelihood Agency has been administering the reintegration programme aimed at offering certain services to returned Georgian citizens to help them re-integrate into their communities. Namely, the State Programme for Supporting Reintegration of Returned Georgian Migrants offers returnees the following: providing medical service, funding social projects, supporting vocational education and providing temporary livelihood.

The Programme targets Georgian citizens or stateless persons (having permanent residence permit in Georgia) who:

• Have been unlawfully residing abroad for more than one year, have applied for or received asylum abroad;
• Have applied the Agency in order to be included into the State Programme for Reintegration of Returned Migrants within one year since returning to Georgia. 

For detailed information (in Georgian) on the State Programme for Reintegration of Returned Migrants please follow the link:

Related Documents

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR / IOM)

International Organization for Migration Georgia Mission has been implementing AVRR programmes in Georgia since 2003. The programmes are intended to assist the citizens of Georgia who have unlawfully been staying abroad or those whose asylum applications have been rejected.

AVRR include meeting returned migrants at airport, consulting, referral to various state programmes and providing reintegration assistance, which, in turn, include provision of temporary accommodation (on case of need), buying necessary medication, retraining and assisting in finding job, and assisting in income-generating activities.

Within the period of 2003-2019, a total number of 10.573 persons have been returned to Georgia from 32 countries (mainly the EU MS) through AVRR programmes. OF them, 5100 persons have been provided reintegration assistance, while the rest benefited from assistance related only to return (documents, air ticket, escorting to the airport). The top countries the Georgian citizens are returning from are Germany, Greece, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

AVRR programmes are implemented by IOM Tbilisi and IOM regional offices - Migrant Resource Centers:

IOM Georgia Mission
12 T. Abluadze Str.
0162 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: (+ 995 32) 22 52 216
Fax: (+ 995 32) 22 52 217
Web: /

Migrant Resource Centers in regions:

63 Ak. Tsereteli Str.
4600 Kutaisi, Georgia
Tel: (+995 431) 24 44 43

8 Erekle II Ave.
2200 Telavi, Georgia
Tel: (+995 350) 27 08 72 / (+995) 577 00 20 92

63 Parnavaz Mepis Str.
6010 Batumi, Georgia
Tel: (+995 577) 52 00 15 / (+995 422) 22 88 83 83

101 Ninoshvili Str.
4400 Poti, Georgia
Tel: (+995 493) 22 58 18

Guidebook on Reintegration for Returned Migrants (in Georgian)