Permit to emigrate from Georgia

Georgian citizens have the right to leave Georgia for a foreign country for a temporary or permanent residence. if a citizen of Georgia leaves the country temporarily, he/she does not require getting an emigration permit. a citizen of Georgia leaving the country permanently has to have a passport of a Georgian citizen and an emigration permit.

An application for emigration permit can be submitted by a Georgian citizen, who is a capacitated person of a full legal age. a minor under age 18 may emigrate together with his/her legal representative; if a minor travels to his/her legal representative who is abroad, and has the consent of the latter – he/she can travel accompanied by a capacitated adult.

To get the emigration permit, a person should submit an application to a territorial office of the Public Service development agency, branch of the Public Service Hall, or a Community Centre. The emigration permit will be issued within one month after submission of all needed documentation. Application can be submitted via distance services as well available on the website of the Public Service Development Agency:

An application for emigration permit shall be enclosed with the following documents:

  • A copy of passport of Georgian citizen;
  • Two photos sized 3x4;
  • A receipt certifying the payment of the service fee;
  • For male person between 18 and 27 years – a copy of a military service card or a document certifying that military recruitment has been postponed, or the person has been exempted from military service;
  • For minor - a copy of birth certificate and a document certifying the consent of his/her legal representative(s).

When issuing an emigration permit, the Public Service development agency also places a stamp with the imprint “constant departure” in a passport of the citizen of Georgia.

Additional information on Emigration Permit is available on the website:;;