Memorandum signed between the Public Service Development Agency and the EU Project “Let’s Meet Europe”

On 27 June, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Public Service Development Agency and the EU Project “Let’s Meet Europe”. The Memorandum aims at raising public awareness of Georgian citizens on the EU-Georgia Association Agreement and Georgia’s approximation with EU, by ensuring an easy access to the information and facilitating engagement of local communities in these processes.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed at the Mejvriskhevi Community Centre by Shio Khetsuriani, the Head of the LEPL Public Service Development Agency and Tamar Khurtsia, the expert of the Georgia-EU Association Agreement and of the EU-funded Project “Let’s Meet Europe”.

The Memorandum creates the possibility, by utilizing the information & communication systems of the Community Centres and the project “Let’s Meet Europe”, and in cooperation with relevant local municipalities, to plan and conduct informational meetings with local population, arrange EU cinema festivals and other events that would help engage Georgian citizens in the EU approximation processes. “The Public Service Development Agency is happy to be a part in this very important process,” said Mr. Khetsuriani.

The EU Mobile Info Centre will visit Community Centres countrywide and inform citizens about the EU-Georgia cooperation. “The bus of the EU Mobile Information Centre will travel in Georgia and will visit all Community Centres in the country in order to meet local population and inform them about EU’s activities in Georgia. We will present the young people the book published by EU delegation in Georgia “Let’s Explore Europe”. We will also arrange the screening of Toma Chagelishvili documentary film “Travel to Europe”, said Ms. Khurstia.

On 1st July, the EU Mobile Information Centre visited the Community Centre in Nigoeti village of Lanchkhuti municipality; on 2nd of July the meeting was held with local youth in the Community Centre in village Khidistavi, Chokhatauri municipality.