Workshop on National Migration Strategy Development

A workshop on National Migration Strategy development was held on 17 April, 2015 in Tbilisi, co-organized by the SCMI Secretariat and the ICMPD (ENIGMMA project). The meeting brought together the representatives from SCMI member state institutions involved in migration management in Georgia. The workshop participants discussed development of the Georgian National Strategy and highlighted the needs and challenges identified during the process. One of the objectives of the meeting was to present and discuss the lessons learned faced by some European countries while developing their national migration strategies. Invited experts from Poland and Finland shared with participants their experience and gave practical examples.

The basis for this discussion was provided by the analytical report developed in ICMPD describing the process of elaboration of the migration strategy and the action plan in selected European countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Moldova and Slovakia; the report can be downloaded here). In addition, the pilot analytical unit of the SCMI Secretariat presented the report studying the possibilities of regulating the field of migration as well as research possibilities. The report summarizes the findings of various research conducted in Georgia and provides recommendations for further policy development. The participants of the workshop underlined that the methodological and thematic recommendations developed in both papers will positively contribute to the process of elaboration a new Migration Strategy for 2016-2020.