International Migrants Day

Given the annually increasing number of migrants in the world, the UN General Assembly declared 18 December as International Migrants Day, which has since then been marked in different countries globally including Georgia. The date was defined by adopting in 1990 the International Convention on Protection of Rights of Labor Migrants and their Family Members.

UN Member States as well as international and non-governmental organizations were offered to celebrate the international migrants day in every country by spreading information about human rights and migrants’ basic freedoms as well as by adopting relevant measures and sharing experience for safeguarding these rights.

In 2013, at the high level dialogue of international migration and development the member states adopted the declaration which explicitly condemns any form of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance towards migrants.

The State Commission on Migration Issues congratulates all migrants worldwide with the International Migrant’s Day and believes that by adopting good and well-thought migration policy it will contribute to protecting migrants’ rights in line with international standards, which is vital for consolidating democratic values and social justice in the country.