Information Campaign “Georgia and the EU – Closer than you think“

EU-funded ENIGMMA project (“Enhancing Georgia’s Migration Management) Information Campaign is taking place in September – November 2014. The campaign aims at raising public awareness on EU-Georgia cooperation in migration field and recent developments in migration management in Georgia.

Focused generally on the EU-Georgia relations, the campaign promotes the information raising on EU-Georgia Association Agreement and respective Agenda, Visa Lliberalisation Action Plan (VLAP) implementation, free movement of persons and relevant migration related topics.

The campaign covers following activities:

1. A photo competition in three main categories: “Find the EU in Georgia and find Georgia in the EU”; “What does Europe not yet know about Georgia?”; and “Experiencing migration” The photo competition was implemented for the period of 15 September - 31 October. Award ceremony takes place on 16 November. The winners in all three categories will be offered a photography workshop with a professional photographer. The best four photos in each category will be selected and published in an ENIGMMA project calendar for 2015.

2. Basic training on migration issues for the public relations managers representing the institutions involved in the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) was organised in cooperation with the SCMI Secretariat and the Training Centre of Justice on October 8-10.

3. The information event on EU-Georgia relations, including discussion rounds on the Association Agreement and Visa Liberalisation Action Plan takes place on Saturday, 15 November, 11:00 – 15:30 p.m. at the Tbilisi State University (I building, 1st floor, Iv. Javakishvili audience). This event is designed as an information fair/ bazaar. Active participants of the events are the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia, academia representatives, Office of the State Minister of Georgia on EU-NATO integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other relevant actors. The visa expert from Moldovan Ministry of foreign Affairs is invited to share his expertise on VLAP implementation in Moldova. The main target groups for this event are students, state servants and other persons interested in the EU-Georgia relations in migrationdevelopment and perspectives.

4. An informal public event takes place on Sunday, 16 November, 11:00 – 17:00 at the National Youth and Children Palace of Georgia, Mirror Hall.This event is designed for the general public with particular attention to youth and children. Theevent will include creative performance of young musicians and dancers, exhibition of the best photos in all three categories of the ENIGMMA photo competition and an award ceremony, information quizzes and games for young participants. Further, information on students exchange and mobility in EU programmes will be shared with interested persons, as well as general and specific information on EU-Georgia Association Agreement and VLAP. The event will be moderated by Nikoloz Tsulukidze.

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