Development of Migration Textbook Has Started

Nowadays, teaching migration related courses at the Georgian higher education institutions is fragmentary; there is no comprehensive international migration textbook in Georgian language that would discuss migration issues in inter-disciplinary context. This was the topic of the meeting held on October 4, 2014, in Tbilisi, at Holiday Inn hotel, organized by ICMPD and the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues of Georgia.
Faculty of international as well as Georgian higher education institutions involved in the research and teaching of migration related issues participated in the meeting. Participants discussed the proposed structure of the textbook and shared their recommendations on how it could be improved. It was specifically stressed by the participants that the textbook will be aimed not only at students and faculty, but representatives of public sector and NGOs. Hence, the goal of the textbook is to provide comprehensive coverage of the current aspects related to migration phenomenon, which could be of interest of the general public as well.
ICMPD and the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues of Georgia will coordinate jointly the development of the textbook, and ensure participation of all relevant stakeholders in its development. First draft of the textbook is planned to be ready by summer 2015.