Selected Circular Migration Project participants entering into a preparatory phase

Currently, the participants of the circular migration project, organized by the Center of International Migration and Development (CIM) in cooperation with the Public Service Development Agency/ Secretariat of the Georgian State Commission on Migration Issues, are starting to prepare for their placement and stay in Germany.
In the frame of the project, more than 30 Georgian nurses and hospitality professionals have been selected for their placement and stay in Germany. The participants will enhance their qualification profile and employability for the Georgian labour market by means of job placement, employment and training in Germany. The participants will be supported in preparing for their stay in Germany.
Particularly, up to six months intensive German language courses are provided at the Goethe Institute in Tbilisi. The courses are designed to vest the candidates with the language proficiency as required to successfully perform their respective jobs in Germany, including profession-specific as well as cultural orientation components. In addition, for a smooth start and successful integration in the upcoming employment abroad, participants will enrol in one-week profession-specific preparatory trainings.
The pilot circular migration scheme is part of an EU-project, which aims to generate evidence on means to leverage migration for sustainable development in the frame of Georgia’s mobility partnership with the EU. The project is carried out by the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) (a joint operation of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit” (GIZ) and the German Federal Employment Agency) in conjunction with the Public Service Development Agency / Secretariat of the Georgian State Commission on Migration Issues and the Georgian Small and Medium Size Enterprises (GSMEA).
Next to testing a targeted pilot circular migration scheme, the project provides for diaspora mobilisation activities, including start-up and reintegration support for returnees.

Read more about the project here: Project fact sheet (ENG).