Training on Migration Related Issues

On 8-10 October 2014, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the State Commission on Migration Issues and the Training Centre of Justice of Georgia, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is organising training for the public relations managers representing the member institutions of the Commission. The training aims at delivering comprehensive information to PR managers from the state institutions on main aspects of migration management and recent migration-related developments in Georgia. The adapted training manual developed in the framework of the GovAc project will be used. The topics covered during the 3-day training include inter alia the issues related to the implementation of the EU-Georgia Visa Liberalisation Action Plan, EU-Georgia Association Agreement, new regulations introduced by the Law on the legal status of aliens and stateless persons, circular migration schemes, major instruments of EU Georgia-Cooperation in the migration field, etc. The training will also focus on the issues related to the technics and language used when delivering migration-related information to public.

The training will be held by the experienced staff members from the respective state institutions and it will take place at the Training Centre of Justice in Kvareli.